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genres: Drama, Biography. brief: The real life of Tommaso Buscetta the so called "boss of the two worlds", first mafia informant in Sicily 1980's. director: Marco Bellocchio. . duration: 2h 25Minutes. Francesco Piccolo.

我要写影评 叛徒的影评. ( 全部 13 条) 西风独自凉 2019-09-29 16:00:16 比肩《教父》的黑帮经典 西西里自古民风强悍,与迦太基罗马斗,与日耳曼人阿拉伯人西班牙人自己人(墨索里尼)纳粹德国斗,从奴隶社会斗到20世纪,谁骑在他们头上就跟谁斗. 1282年西西里爆发反抗国王查理一世的大起义,史称“晚祷事件”,秘密组织mafia由此诞生: 饱受神权贵族及其鹰犬压... ( 展开) ucard 2019-06-22 03:38:17 包含剧透,个人对电影情节的粗浅理解 这篇影评可能有剧透 首先这是一部不可多得的好片,非常感谢上海电影节能给我们带来如此出众的影片,对于我而言这部电影的水准可以和教父媲美,不过我觉得可能也有不少观众处于脸盲状态,但这并不影响电影剧情的精致. 从剧情角度说这部电影包含了太多细节来衬托剧情,可以说没有一丝浪费的情节在,... Luc 2019-11-06 18:07:17 西西里人最后的挽歌 [这部浓墨重彩的“后黑帮史诗片”,才是今年戛纳电影节最大的遗珠,在我看来,至少值一座影帝殊荣!] 或许只有意大利人拍起黑手党电影,才是最正宗最地道的;而年过八旬的老导演马可贝洛基奥的黑帮作品,又是其中最华丽最浓墨重彩的一支.在真实事件改编的《叛徒》里,他... 白羊先生 2019-09-22 17:19:19 《叛徒》:“教父”的另一面 提起意大利黑手党,恐怕绝大多数人脑海中浮现出的第一个词就是《教父》.得益于马里奥普佐的深刻描写和马龙白兰度阿尔帕西诺等演员的精彩表演,《教父》这部电影不但在世界影史上占据了非常重要的地位,也让片中虚构的美裔黑手党家族“柯里昂家族”的形象深入人心. 但就像《... Super Mario 2019-10-27 17:52:55 黑手党是历史的产物,必将随经济社会的发展而告终 意大利新片《叛徒》,再现了上世纪末意大利国内对黑手党的大审判.那一时期黑手党内部争斗愈演愈烈,触角也深入到共和国上下各个阶层,连政府总理都涉黑了,电影里也有审理细节.检方从黑手党内部下功夫,宽厚又严密的证人保护政策之下,通过内部举报作证,两到三个波次的集... 沉淀 2019-10-18 00:36:21 黑帮,那些我们想要成为却又害怕成为的人. 电影因为是根据真人真事改编,戏剧性相比起同样经典的黑帮片《教父》来说有些弱,但展现出来的气质气场无疑是史诗级别的.影片从剧本到摄影灯光都是非常工整的黑帮片.开场舞会70年代的布景,胶片的质感,仿佛让人能感受到西西里迎面吹来的暖湿海风.几场法庭戏也尤为精彩,凛... Jeannels 2019-06-22 17:59:23 80岁马可贝罗奇奥宝刀未老,拍了部“史诗级”黑帮片 上海电影节,夏至这天的晚上,终于看了《叛徒》,今年戛纳主竞赛单的一个片子. 画面一出,音乐一响,感觉很复古,效果又很炸.《叛徒》的爆发力和能量强度,不负其题材与类型之名.大量的审判戏,在意大利式的亢奋语调感染下,再有导演的凌厉调度,拍得像是彪悍的动作戏一样... 安静的斑马 2019-10-06 23:26:30 《叛徒》:出来混迟早是要还的 这是一部根据真实事件改编的黑手党电影,1980年9月4日黑手党头目在斯特凡诺. 邦塔德的别墅会面,旧的黑手党和新的柯里昂家族共同商议如何瓜分海洛因市场.正在逃亡的,被称为“两个世界的老大”的布西达也出现在了这次聚会上,虽然他有一定的影响力,可是级别不够不能参与会议. 雨田2545 2019-10-04 10:14:36 纯正的意式《教父》 对比美版《教父》,本片显得更加纯正深刻,加上导演的功力和本土优势,西西里岛的文化底蕴挖掘的也足够浓厚. 如果美版像一个黑帮的英雄传奇故事,本片就是黑帮的真实历史讲述. 本片借助一个所谓叛徒的经历,对黑手党的产生原因生存的土壤和环境文化,都做了深入探讨和... 老头也玩 2019-09-15 21:54:53 《叛徒》,《我们的教父》 最近连着看了两个电影,一个是《我们的教父》,忆苦思甜的纪录片;一个是《叛徒》,添油加醋的黑帮片.两部电影的主角是同一个人,就是号称“两个世界的老大”的黑手党首脑多玛索布西达. 说起黑手党,也算是历史悠久,引人关注的了.产生于十三世纪的意大利西西里岛.成立的... > 更多影评 13篇.

Nn si scherza Cnr ste cose. Der verräter 2019. Mamma mi o piecur è mafius. Ed oggi Orlando ancora è qui e adesso lotta contro Salvini. @felicedude mi fai schifo. Der verräter film 2019. Si ma sto liggio non mi convince molto. Ma questi sono pezzi di merda. ti amacano da dietro. venite un po i albania. porci.

Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Conditions of Use Privacy Policy 1996-2014, Inc. or its affiliates. Non e stato un traditore sono stati alcuni amici suoi palermitani a tradire cosa leandosi con i corleonesi. 3:06 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Der verrater. Buscetta, senza l'H... Great acting by Pierfrancesco Favino playing Buscetta. Grande. BRO. SEMPRE SUL LA CHICCA DI QUESTA SERA.

A🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣l min.1.29😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Durante una vacanza a Marrakech, una coppia inglese, Perry e Gail, fa amicizia con un appariscente e carismatico uomo d'affari russo di nome Dima, che si rivela essere un boss del riciclaggio di denaro appartenente alla mafia russa. Perry e Gail accettano di aiutare Dima a fornire informazioni confidenziali ai servizi segreti inglesi, ritrovandosi così coinvolti nel mondo dello spionaggio politico internazionale. Tra Parigi e Berna, le Alpi francesi e i bassifondi di Londra, la coppia vive un pericoloso viaggio che li porterà a stringere alleanza con il governo britannico tramite uno spietato e determinato agente segreto dell'MI6.

12 wins & 16 nominations. See more awards  » Learn more More Like This Drama 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 / 10 X A searing look at a day in the life of an assistant to a powerful executive. As Jane (Julia Garner) follows her daily routine, she grows increasingly aware of the insidious abuse that threatens every aspect of her position. Director: Kitty Green Stars: Julia Garner, Matthew Macfadyen, Makenzie Leigh, Fantasy 6. 6 / 10 Lost on a mysterious island where aging and time have come unglued, Wendy must fight to save her family, her freedom, and the joyous spirit of youth from the deadly peril of growing up. Benh Zeitlin Yashua Mack, Devin France, Gage Naquin Horror Thriller 5. 7 / 10 A long time ago in a distant fairy tale countryside, a young girl leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil. Oz Perkins Sophia Lillis, Alice Krige, Jessica De Gouw 6. 7 / 10 A soon-to-be stepmom is snowed in with her fiancé's two children at a remote holiday village. Just as relations begin to thaw between the trio, some strange and frightening events take place. Directors: Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz Richard Armitage, Riley Keough, Alicia Silverstone Action Mystery 5. 5 / 10 A woman seeks revenge against those who orchestrated a plane crash that killed her family. Reed Morano Blake Lively, Jude Law, Sterling K. Brown Sport Going Vertical is a film based on real events that occurred in 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. It focuses on a legendary final battle between USSR and USA basketball teams. Anton Megerdichev Vladimir Mashkov, John Savage, Marat Basharov War 7. 2 / 10 1945, Leningrad. WWII has devastated the city, demolishing its buildings and leaving its citizens in tatters, physically and mentally. Two young women search for meaning and hope in the struggle to rebuild their lives amongst the ruins. Kantemir Balagov Viktoria Miroshnichenko, Vasilisa Perelygina, Andrey Bykov 3. 7 / 10 A young governess is hired by a man who has become responsible for his young nephew and niece after their parents' deaths. A modern take on Henry James' novella "The Turn of the Screw. " Floria Sigismondi Mackenzie Davis, Finn Wolfhard, Brooklynn Prince Sci-Fi No meteorites hit Earth, no terrorists put the world in danger, no atomic war was started, but something did go wrong. Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small. See full summary  » Egor Baranov Maksim Artamonov, Filipp Avdeev, Yuriy Borisov Biography 6. 3 / 10 An ordinary working class boy, like all his peers, he played football day and night and dreamed of being a striker. But no matter which team he played for - in the yard, at the factory, or in the army - he was inevitably put in goal. Vasiliy Chiginskiy Aleksandr Fokin, Yuliya Khlynina, Aleksey Guskov Musical Romance 7 / 10 Contemporary Russia. Nadya gives up her dream of becoming a champion figure skater when she is hospitalized with an injury. But then she meets Sasha, a hockey player, who decides to teach her to believe in herself and her dream again. Oleg Trofim Mariya Aronova, Vilen Babichev, Maksim Belborodov Adventure History A group of officers of the Russian Imperial Guard prepare a revolt in December 1825, when about 3, 000 officers and soldiers refused to swear allegiance to the new tsar. Andrey Kravchuk Sergei Agafonov, Yuriy Baturin, Klim Berdinskiy Edit Storyline The real life of Tommaso Buscetta the so called "boss of the two worlds" first mafia informant in Sicily 1980's. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Taglines: The True Story About The Man Who Brought Down The Mafia Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated R for violence, sexual content, language and brief graphic nudity See all certifications  » Details Release Date: 31 January 2020 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: The Traitor Box Office Opening Weekend USA: 25, 530, 2 February 2020 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 8, 304, 410 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia Giovanni Montinaro, son of Judge Giovanni Falcone's chief of security, strongly opposed the film, criticizing the choice of releasing it on the anniversary of the murder of his father and of the others involved in the attack. He let it go when Pierfrancesco Favino told him that the date was chosen by the production precisely as a way to pay homage to Falcone, his wife and his security detail, killed that day in 1992. See more » Soundtracks Says Written and Performed by Nils Frahm See more ».

The Traitor Film poster Directed by Marco Bellocchio Produced by Beppe Caschetto Screenplay by Marco Bellocchio Valia Santella Ludovica Rampoldi Francesco Piccolo Francesco La Licata Story by Marco Bellocchio Starring Pierfrancesco Favino Maria Fernanda Cândido Fabrizio Ferracane Fausto Russo Alesi Luigi Lo Cascio Music by Nicola Piovani Cinematography Vladan Radovic Edited by Francesca Calvelli Production company IBC Movie Kavac Film Rai Cinema Gullane Ad Vitam Production Match Factory Productions Distributed by 01 Distribution (Italy) Release date 23 May 2019 ( Cannes) 1] 23 May 2019 (Italy) 6 November 2019 (France) Running time 135 minutes Country Italy France Brazil Germany Language Italian The Traitor ( Italian: Il traditore) is a 2019 internationally co-produced biographical crime drama film co-written and directed by Marco Bellocchio, about the life of Tommaso Buscetta, the first Sicilian Mafia boss who was treated by some as pentito. Pierfrancesco Favino stars as Buscetta, alongside Maria Fernanda Cândido, Fabrizio Ferracane, Fausto Russo Alesi and Luigi Lo Cascio. Cast [ edit] Reception [ edit] On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 76% based on 30 reviews, with an average rating of 6. 7/10. [2] Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 57 out of 100, based on 7 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews. 3] Awards [ edit] It was selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival. [4] It was selected as the Italian entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 92nd Academy Awards. [5] The film received 4 nominations to the 32nd European Film Awards, including Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenwriter, Best Actor. [6] It also won seven awards (out of 11 nomination) at the Nastro d'Argento: Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Score, Best Actor (Pierfrancesco Favino) and Best Supporting Actor (Luigi Lo Cascio and Fabrizio Ferracane. 7] See also [ edit] List of submissions to the 92nd Academy Awards for Best International Feature Film List of Italian submissions for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film References [ edit] External links [ edit] The Traitor on IMDb.

Il titolo del film. 😞. Una calma e una flemma Riina davvero impressionante. Contorno il traditore. Synopsis The Traitor tells the true story of Tommaso Buscetta, the man who brought down the Cosa Nostra. In the early 1980s, an all-out war rages between Sicilian mafia bosses over the heroin trade. Tommaso Buscetta, a made man, flees to hide out in Brazil. Back home, scores are being settled, and Buscetta watches from afar as his sons and brother are killed in Palermo, knowing he may be next. Arrested and extradited to Italy by the Brazilian police, Buscetta makes a decision that will change everything for the Mafia: He decides to meet with Judge Giovanni Falcone and betray the eternal vow he made to the Cosa Nostra. “ The Traitor is big, bold, confident film-making. ” -The Guardian Learn more...

[TORRENT] Il traditore tipo Guarda (Film 2016) Streaming ITA Film Completo Posted on May 14, 2016. Il traditore tipo Streaming ITA – (sottotitolato in Italiano) Il traditore tipo film completo online ITALIANO, Streaming download gratuito senza buffering, Il traditore tipo qualità HD per guardare, STREAMING film Il traditore tipo Film Completo Gratis. GUARDA Il traditore tipo PIENO MOVIE ONLINE STREAM GRATIS Questo è stato un buon film, nonostante le valutazioni basse, ma poi di nuovo ci sono persone che letteralmente non hanno visto il film ancora votarla. STORYLINE: Durante una vacanza a Marrakech, una coppia inglese, Perry e Gail, fa amicizia con un appariscente e carismatico uomo daffari russo di nome Dima, che si rivela essere un boss del riciclaggio di denaro appartenente alla mafia russa. Perry e Gail accettano di aiutare Dima a fornire informazioni confidenziali ai servizi segreti inglesi, ritrovandosi così coinvolti nel mondo dello spionaggio politico internazionale. Tra Parigi e Berna, le Alpi francesi e i bassifondi di Londra, MOVIE DETAIL: TITOLO: Il traditore tipo (2016) DATA USCITA: 05 maggio 2016 GENERE: Thriller DURATA: 107 Min REGIA: Susanna White CON: Ewan McGregor, Stellan Skarsgård, Naomie Harris, Damian Lewis, Jeremy Northam Guarda Il traditore tipo Free Online Full Movie, SIETE PRONTI nel film Il traditore tipo tuo sono i benvenuti in streaming gratuitamente registri non si inserisce il nostro sito uno per me, perché voi (il visitatore) è il re del nostro sito. Serviamo con la migliore vista possibile della nostra struttura e le procedure da seguire in modo che i visitatori si sentiranno come un re scaricare Il traditore tipo completo: Spendere un po ‘di tempo per il registro gratuito e si potrebbero beneficiare più tardi. 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Der verräter lyrics.
Che attori😂😂.
If you are sufferiing from insomnia I recommend watching it.

C: you didn't say that before, you're saying it right now that they could been there for other reasons, why didnt you say it if you know. Mutolo e' marchese. Se in quel momento vi potesse prendere nelle mani vi mangiava 😂😂😂. Storyline, if any, hard to follow. This film covers more or less 30 years of italian (not only) history, and tells the story of the mafia penitent Tommaso Buscetta, who accepted to collaborate with the judge Giovanni Falcone.

Der verräter buch. Add to your watchlist We'll let you know when this movie is showing again in London. The extraordinary real life story of Tommaso Buscetta, the first major Camorra boss to turn states informant. Play trailer Showtimes Movie Details You might also like... Today 05 Feb Tomorrow 06 Feb Fri 07 Feb Sat 08 Feb Sun 09 Feb Mon 10 Feb Tue 11 Feb The Traitor (Il Traditore) showtimes in London 'The Traitor (Il Traditore) Movie details Director Marco Bellocchio Starring Pierfrancesco Favino Luigi Lo Cascio Fausto Russo Alesi UK release date 06 Oct 2019.

The last film of Marco Bellocchio is the portrayal of Tommaso Buscetta, a former member of Italian mafia who brake ' omerta' and became an informant. Moreover, through Buscetta's life we can see the Italian mafia history during 60's-80's.
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Der verräter film. Der verräter johnsrud. E pensare senza la mafia l'Italia non esisteva maaa. Der VerrÃter aquitaine. Der VerrÃterms. Der VerrÃterre. The plot is accurate to what really happened and doesn't leave much to the director. Potevano richiamare gli attori che hanno partecipato nel film il capo dei capi. a tutto questo il titolo... Il traditore... secondo me invita a non pentirsi mai... secondo me BUSCETTA pur aver fatto tanto essendo un mafioso... ma è grazie a lui che molti sono finiti nella gabbia come bestie... Loading messages... Menu de fr en Buy tickets Login & Signup Facebook Login Username Password Forgot your password? Sign up My watchlist Settings My showtimes Logout Showtimes Showtimes by cinema Showtimes by movie Showtimes by time Film festivals Openair movie guide New in the cinema Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) Currently in the cinema Platzspitzbaby Trailer All trailers currently in the cinema All trailers in the cinema soon New trailers Popular trailers Popular trailer Trending trailer Little Women Movies Films currently in the cinema Films new in the cinema Films in the cinema soon Reviews Movie Charts Films on TV Rating Charts Joker Watchlist Charts Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Watchlist Charts Soon No Time To Die Swiss films in cinema Soon in the cinema Different periods Random trailer Extended search About Contests News Language de, fr, en, Cineman Social Media Facebook Twitter More links Imprint AGB Cineman Movie Charts 4. 0 Watchlist Overview Where & When Movie Rating Pictures Community Not specified Genre Drama Release date German Switzerland: 6. February 2020 Romandie: 6. November 2019 Ticino: 12. September 2019 Director Marco Bellocchio Cast Pierfrancesco Favino Alessio Praticò Luigi Lo Cascio Maria Fernanda Cândido Gabriele Arena Fabrizio Ferracane Jacopo Garfagnoli Nino Porzio Fausto Russo Alesi Massimiliano Ubaldi Goffredo Maria Bruno Marco Gambino Patrick Simons Nunzia Lo Presti Federica Butera Gabriele Cicirello Calì Nicola Salvatore Cancemi Marilina Marino Aurora Peres Show all Pierfrancesco Favino Tommaso Buscetta Alessio Praticò Scarpuzzedda Luigi Lo Cascio Totuccio Contorno Maria Fernanda Cândido Cristina Gabriele Arena Spadaro's lawyer defender Fabrizio Ferracane Pippo Calò Jacopo Garfagnoli Giulio Nino Porzio Tecnico Regia di Studio RAI Fausto Russo Alesi Giovanni Falcone Massimiliano Ubaldi Giovanni Brusca Goffredo Maria Bruno Stefano Bontate Marco Gambino Procuratore Generale Palermo Patrick Simons Prisoner Nunzia Lo Presti Riina's wife Federica Butera Silvana Buscetta Gabriele Cicirello Benedetto Buscetta Calì Nicola Totò Riina Salvatore Cancemi Technician TV Studios RAI Marilina Marino Buscetta's prostitute in prison Aurora Peres Bontade's wife Trailer, videos & images Trailers 1 Pictures 7 Your rating Comments Show all You have to sign in to submit comments. Watchlist 58 user have published their watchlist + 52 User Il traditore There are no showings in your selected regions. Showing also in Freier Film Aarau 20:30 Viewing room 1 – I/gf – 16Y. atelier Basel 20:00 Kino REX Bern 15:45, 20:15 – O/gf Arthouse Movie Zürich 15:30 Viewing room 2 Houdini Zürich 12:00 Viewing room 3 18:00 20:40 Viewing room 4 Recommended movies to rent More movies to rent by Hollystar Es Gilt Das Gesprochene Wort Eine junge Frau begegnet in ihrem Urlaub einem kurdischen Gigolo. Von seinen Lebensumständen erschüttert, will sie ihm mittels Scheinehe die... Rent now American Woman Bridget, die jugendliche Tochter der 32 jährigen Debra, verschwindet plötzlich spurlos. Nun muss sich die Mutter um den zurückgebliebenen So... Downton Abbey Im England des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts wird ein Herrenhof durch royalen Besuch in Aufregung versetzt. Die Wurzeln Des Glücks Etwas eigen war der amerikanische Arzt und Jude Harry Rosenmerck ja schon immer. Aber nun lässt er sein bisheriges Leben hinter sich, um Sch... More movies to rent by Hollystar Now in the cinema 6 from 56 Movies The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle Bad Boys for Life 1917 Little Women.

Der VerrÃter rhône. Regia di Marco Bellocchio. Un film Da vedere 2019 con Pierfrancesco Favino, Maria Fernanda Cândido, Fabrizio Ferracane, Luigi Lo Cascio, Fausto Russo Alesi. Cast completo Genere Drammatico - Italia, 2019, durata 148 minuti. Uscita cinema giovedì 23 maggio 2019 distribuito da 01 Distribution. Il traditore Il traditore Guarda o Scarica Qui: Trama: Biopic di Tommaso Buscetta, la cui testimonianza sul contrabbando di eroina durante gli anni '80 del "collegamento della pizza" con Cosa Nostra gli ha permesso di ottenere la cittadinanza americana e l'accesso al programma di protezione dei testimoni. Il traditore, Il traditore streaming, Il traditore streaming sub ita, Il traditore altadefinizione, Il traditore streaming altadefinizione, Il traditore streaming cb01, Il traditore streaming ita cb01, Il traditore download, Il traditore openload, Il traditore film completo, Il traditore guarda film completo, Il traditore trailer, Il traditore streaming ita altadefinizione01, Il traditore streaming ita cb01, Il traditore altadefinizione01, Il traditore streaming cb01, YouWatch, Cb01, WebRip, DvdRip, DvdScr, altadefinizione01, trailer, Youtube, Reddit, Dailymotion.

Der verräter paul beatty. Latitante? Io ero un LAVORATORE Io avrei chiuso la seduta. Favino si è attore incredibile... e' identico al vero modo di parlare e persino la voce... spettacolare. Si chiama processo per i delitti politici... informatevi prima. Mamma mia gli attori italiani fan cagare assai. Cazzo ma è Buscetta che interpreta Favino. Prima ne ha fatto parte ed ora è pentito. che schifo.

@Glaciusful sono d'accordo, sicuramente cosa nostra ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nell'ascesa di silvio imprenditore (lo urlava persino la padania prima di allearsi e ricattarlo) il silvio politico invece si è visto garantito un eccezionale serbatoio di voti in cambio di una totale assenza di contrasto. Sono anni ormai che cosa nostra non ammazza più, ma esiste, ed è un pessimo segnale, perchè vuol dire che regna incontrastata. Non ho ma visto un film più brutto di questo,attori pessimi,la storia non c'entra nnt con quella realmente accaduta.

Avete realizzato un film fantastico. Der verräterkönig 25 spieler erfolg. Der verräter trailer deutsch. I reckon, not sure that this has been televised. Edit Release Dates France 23 May 2019 (Cannes Film Festival) Italy 23 May 2019 Brazil 31 May 2019 Germany 2 July 2019 (Munich International Film Festival) Poland 28 July 2019 (Two Riversides Film and Art Festival) 29 July 2019 (New Horizons Film Festival) Canada 5 September 2019 (Toronto International Film Festival) Slovakia 13 September 2019 (International Film Festival Cinematik) USA 2 October 2019 (New York Film Festival) South Korea 4 October 2019 (Busan International Film Festival) Turkey 7 October 2019 (Filmekimi) 11 October 2019 (Hamptons International Film Festival) 14 October 2019 (Film Festival Cologne) 15 October 2019 (Grand Lyon Film Festival) Belgium 17 October 2019 (Gent International Film Festival) 17 October 2019 (Auditorium San Fedele) Milan) 22 October 2019 (Chicago International Film Festival) Portugal 24 October 2019 26 October 2019 (Montpellier Mediterranean Film Festival) Tunisia 27 October 2019 (Carthage Film Festival) 30 October 2019 Hungary 6 November 2019 (Mittel Cinema Fest) Argentina 9 November 2019 (Mar del Plata Film Festival) 16 November 2019 (AFI Fest) Russia 28 November 2019 Spain 5 December 2019 11 December 2019 (Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival) 13 December 2019 Estonia 3 January 2020 Netherlands 16 January 2020 31 January 2020 (limited) 7 February 2020 (limited) Greece 27 February 2020 13 March 2020 2 April 2020 Also Known As (AKA) original title) Il traditore El traidor Australia O Traidor Canada (English title) The Traitor Le traître Germany (dubbed version) Der Verräter Az elsö áruló Japan (Japanese title) Zdrajca Serbia (literal title) Izdajnik Taiwan 黑金叛徒 Turkey (Turkish title) Hain UK World-wide (English title) The Traitor.

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Cci mancavinu I capiddi ntiesta. 🤣🤣🤣😎. Maiali 🐷. Have watched it partly twice cause I fell asleep, seriously. As I was a bit dissapointed from Bellocchio's latest works I didn't expect to see a great movie, but in the end I was amazed both from the direction and the plot line. Some scenes of the movie are a real masterpiece and although it lasts 2,5 hours you don't get tired or bored. Grande! Domenico Modugno! Bravo, un film alla Carriera artistica Musicale. W Modugno! W la Musica Italiana anni 60. Der verräterkönig.

3 start cause some details were accurate. the end.

0:02 Non è possibile pronunciare sigařiètt' meglio di così! 😂 PS: per qual astruso motivo da del lei al signor Luciano Liggio al min. 1:45 ? 😳.




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